Fountain, CO
Election Date: November 7, 2023
Type: General
Revenue – Total ($): 55,125,000
Known Transit Revenue ($): 6,750,000
Revenue Type: sales and use tax
Transit Revenue Explanation: Improving transit service from 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2034 and then funding public transit services from 1/1/2035 - 12/31/2039
Outcome: Loss for Transit
Results: Failed, 44.76% - 55.24%
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The measure, if approved, would levy a 1% sales and use tax to generate $4.5 million annually for the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority, with 10% of the net revenue going toward improving transit services through 2034, followed by a decrease to .45% sales and use tax with 22.22% of the net revenue funding public transit services for the next five years.