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Referendum on BRT still up for debate

Cobb County, GA Released by The Marietta Daily Journal MARIETTA — Some residents are accusing Chairman Tim Lee of misrepresenting his intention to call for a voter referendum on a [...]

Referendum on BRT still up for debate2015-06-06T12:13:00-04:00

Editorial: Hillsborough can’t afford to go half-in on transit plan

Hillsborough County, FL Released by Tampa Bay Times Hillsborough County will unveil a transportation package this week that could go to the voters in 2016... More info at http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-hillsborough-cant-afford-to-go-half-in-on-transit-plan/2232541

Editorial: Hillsborough can’t afford to go half-in on transit plan2015-06-05T15:10:00-04:00

Here is Sound Transit’s list for ST3

Seattle, WA Released by Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce Sound Transit has released a draft list of the light rail and bus projects it wants to include on the next [...]

Here is Sound Transit’s list for ST32015-06-05T15:00:00-04:00

A Playbook for Persuading People to Use Public Transportation

Released by Mobility Lab The art of persuasion was on display in two sessions at the end of the Center for Transportation Excellence conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan this week... [...]

A Playbook for Persuading People to Use Public Transportation2015-06-04T17:12:00-04:00

Bus rapid transit is still an idea worth exploring

Milwaukee, WI Released by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Bus rapid transit was a good idea when then County Executive Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett were pushing it eight years [...]

Bus rapid transit is still an idea worth exploring2015-06-04T11:47:00-04:00

After defeat, streetcar advocates vow to continue push

Sacramento, CA Released by Sacramento Bee acramento streetcar advocates say they won’t give up their quest to build a downtown trolley system, despite voters’ rejection this week of the financing [...]

After defeat, streetcar advocates vow to continue push2015-06-03T19:01:00-04:00
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