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Brigham City, Perry and Willard (Box Elder County), UT

Election Date: November 21, 2023
Type: General
Revenue Type: sales and use tax
Transit Revenue Explanation: repeal a 15-year-old sales tax that had been used to help the Utah Transit Authority work toward extending FrontRunner service into the county
Outcome: Uncounted
Results: Brigham City: Passed, 73.43% - 26.57% Perry: Passed, 85.24% - 14.76% Willard: Passed, 74.48% - 25.52%

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Repealed a 0.25% mass transit sales and use tax which was adopted in 2008 to help UTA purchase property in its long-term plan to extend commuter rail service from Ogden north into Brigham City. However, more recent Utah Legislative provisions replaced the need for the local sales tax.