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New streetcar hailed for delivering development

Salt Lake City, UT Released by The Salt Lake City Tribune Fireworks burst to greet a new Sugar House Streetcar as it arrived Thursday packed with officials for the line’s [...]

New streetcar hailed for delivering development2013-12-06T15:04:00-05:00

Dayton aides pitch transportation funding

Dayton, MN Released by Star Tribune The message was clear: Minnesota must find more money for fixing ­highways and expanding transit... More info at http://www.startribune.com/local/234842971.html

Dayton aides pitch transportation funding2013-12-06T11:58:00-05:00

Atlanta Takes Key Step In Expanding Streetcar System

Atlanta, GA Released by Curbed Atanta Transportation officials now expect the Atlanta Streetcar's initial 2.7-mile loop to open sometime in May, as opposed to April, as was previously expected. But [...]

Atlanta Takes Key Step In Expanding Streetcar System2013-12-05T15:11:00-05:00

Pinellas voters face decision on transit tax

Pinellas County, FL Released by My Fox Tampa Bay ST. PETERSBURG (FOX 13) - Next Tuesday, the Pinellas County commission will hold a public hearing on ballot language for a [...]

Pinellas voters face decision on transit tax2013-12-05T15:08:00-05:00

House bill seeks to increase gas tax by 15 cents per gallon

Washington, DC Released by The Washington Post With Congress facing a major shortfall in transportation funding next year, a House bill introduced Wednesday would raise the federal gasoline tax by [...]

House bill seeks to increase gas tax by 15 cents per gallon2013-12-04T13:38:00-05:00

Letters: Transit for all of L.A. County

Los Angeles, CA Released by Los Angeles Times Re "More taxes for more transit?," Editorial, Nov. 24 When voters approved Measure R in 2008, it allowed our region to move [...]

Letters: Transit for all of L.A. County2013-12-04T13:18:00-05:00
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